Premier Computing

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The latest Microsoft Office productivity tools in New Zealand

Templates and macros for your business

Welcome to Premier Computing.  We have been in the business of streamlining and automating document creation for the last 25 years. Our aim is to assist productivity and enable companies to show their “company face” to their clients.  We use templates and macros behind the scenes to ensure a consistent approach to document formats and ease of use for the end-user.

We don’t just install the solution and leave you to it – we ensure you have comprehensive training in how to use the templates and macros, along with continuing support as and when you need it.



Gain a competitive edge

manformaldesksmilephonecomputercontactbrightoffice_srcset-largeOur strength is in our people. No matter what sector you’re in, we can help give your business a competitive edge. We have practical computing expertise in a business capacity and understand the capabilities and limitations of Microsoft Office. Our team is able to offer advice on the best way to achieve a task and assist in problem solving, using a combination of practical skills and creative thinking.